Empowering the next generation to become the hands and feet of Christ.
Christ. Culture. Community.
MCYA exists to support the local Mien Christian communities by encouraging disciple-making culture, intentional relationships with our neighbors, and offering leadership, and spiritual development opportunities to serve our communities.
As we navigate being Mien-American and Christian here on earth, we also recognize the “Imago Dei” (Image of God) in all people. We do not discriminate against nor discourage serving those outside of the Mien community.
MCYA Youth Camp
The first MCYA youth camp began in 1989 as Mien immigrants began to find their identity and belonging in America. Since then, MCYA youth camp became a safe haven for youth and young adults to identify with their culture, engage with their wider Mien community, and find hope in Jesus during the week in the mountains.
Young Adult Conferences
One of the most forgotten age groups in the Church is our Young Adults. Our Young Adults Program was birthed out of our youth camps during a time when we realized that our youth camp could not fully serve our Young Adults well. We occasionally offer conferences and retreats throughout the year while also meeting our Young Adults through intentional community and local Bible study groups.
Support for Communities
We want to serve our communities better. Our resource page will serve as a navigator for any local community needs or events happening in our community. You may also leave comments and prayer requests for us too!
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10

Feel free to contact us with any questions.